Specialized Firearm Parts

Our Services


We specialize in designing unique and obsolete firearm parts, offering custom 3D printing services to bring your ideas to life. Whether it’s stocks or pistol grips, we ensure precision and quality in every design.

Material Expertise

With expertise in materials like PLA, ABS, and Carbon Fiber Nylon, we offer a wide range of options for your 3D printed parts. From durable to lightweight, we cater to diverse needs and preferences.

Finishing Services

We don’t just stop at printing – our finishing services include Acetone Vapor Smoothing (ABS) and painting to give your 3D printed parts a professional and polished look. Enhance the aesthetics and functionality with our expert finishing touches.

Custom Requests

At AGarms, we value customization and client satisfaction. We accommodate special requests on an individual basis, whether it’s a custom design to be printed or assistance in modeling a part. Your unique needs are our top priority.

Enhance Your Firearm Experience

Contact us today for expert 3D printing services and turn your firearm ideas into reality.

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